Berikut adalah soal bahasa inggris SMK kelas X semester genap. Isi soal yaitu perintah untuk mengisi titik.....yang kosong dengan jawaban yang paling benar. Jumlah soal ada 30 soal berbentuk pilihan ganda. selengkapnya dapat anda lihat di bawah ini:

Choose the best answer to fill the missing word!

1.      X           : I am driving this car so slowly,right?
      Y           : Watch out! That man……..on the wrong side of the road!
a.      drive                                                                      d. drove
b.      is driving                                                               e. drives
c.       has driven

2.      Receptionist     : good morning, may I help you?
      Regin                : Yes , my name is Regin and I have an appointment with Dr. Juno at 10 o’clock
      Receptionist     : Sorry,………….
a.         He is treating a patient at the moment              d. He was still on the way
b.         He was talking on the phone                               e. He was good
c.         He is out of town

3.      Bill        : what is mr.Edward doingright now?
      Sam      : ………………………
a.         He was delivering luggage                                  d. He was preparing lunch.
b.         He was mending the computer.                          e. He was in the lab.
c.         He is talking to his client.

4.      X           : Where is your mother now?
      Y           ; She………in the kitchen.
a.         Cook                                                                     d. Is cooking
b.         Cooked                                                                 e. Was cooking
c.         Has cook

5.      Richard……..a good novel in the library now.
a.         is reading                                                             d. has read
b.         reads                                                                    e. was reading
c.         read

6.      Listen! The teacher……..the lesson
a.         Explains                                                                                      d. was explaining
b.         Explained                                                                                   e. had explained
c.         is explaining

7.      I can’t finish to write the letter because there isn’t ……ink in the bottle
a.         any                                                                                               d. a littlel
b.         some                                                                                           e. any other
c.         another

8.      Jessie      : I want to make some omelettes. Please give me……salt.
James     : All right, here it is.
a.         A number of                                                                             d. A few
b.         A little                                                                                          e. So many
c.         Many

9.      Servant                  :  …………..kilograms of oranghe do you want to buy?
Woman                  :  I want to buy three kilos.
a.         how many                                                                                 d. what price
b.         how much                                                                                 e. how expensive
c.         how price

10.  Man                        : Excuse me?.........a hospital near here?
        Woman                : Diponegoro hospital, from here . go straighton pass the around about.Take                                            the second exit, it’s on your left.
a.         There is                                                                                       d. isn’t there
b.         is there                                                                                       e. wasn’t there
c.         Are there

11.  Mother  ; Clean your room,jill!
    Jill                            : Yes moom.
    Aaron                     : What did your mother tell you, jill?
    Jill                             : She told me……….
a.         Clean my room                                                                        d. Cleaned my room
b.         To  clean my room                                                                  e. Has cleaned my room
c.         To clean your room

12.  This cassava will be very good if you…it become  brownies .
a.         Cook                                                                                            d. cooks
b.         Cooked                                                                                       e. had cooked
c.         Cooking

13.  Tiara                       : is it possible for us to get what we want  ?
      Mother                    : Yes, it is, if we … harder, we will get  what we want.
a.         Try                                                                                                                d. have  tried
b.         Tried                                                                                            e. will tried
c.         Would try

14.  Father                    : Don’t forget to bring an umbrella, because it’s going to  rain.
     Farah                      : Oh my God. Iwill forget it if you … me, Thanks
a.         Reminded                                                                                  d. Didn’t remind
b.         Don’t remind                                                                            e. remedied
c.         Remind

15.    A                             : Why don’t you see the doctor ? 
        B                            : I’ll go to doc or if …
a.         I felt sick                                                                                     d. I feel sick
b.         I had felt sick                                                                            e.I sick
c.         I was sick.

16.  Maria                      : I have two apples. It is from Malang and it’s from America. Which do you                                              want ?
      Casie                       :…
a.         I like Malang’s apple for American’s apple.
b.         I like Malang’s apple better than American’s apple.
c.         I would rather Malang’s apple then American’s apple.
d.         I don’t like Malang’s apple than American’s apple.
e.         I like apple America no Malang.

17.  Sheila                      : Does he want to help me?
Joh                           : Yes, he does ……
a.         If you ask me, he will help ypu.                                        d. He will help you if you ask.
b.         If you help him, he will ask you.                                       e. If You help me, ask you.
c.         He will ask you if he help you.

18.  Mother : …..
      Father   :  I am sorry , I’m in a hurry , why don’t you ask jenny  ?
a.         Do you want me to post thist lether ?
b.         Shall I post this letter for you  ?
c.          Can I help you this letter  ?
d.         Would you pos this letter  for me , pleace  ?
e.         Do you pos this letter for me , pleace  ?

19.  Guest    : …..
Office boy   : No problem , I’il make a cup of tea for you ,  Sir .
 Guest          :  Thank you .
a.         Will you make a cup of tea for me  ?                               d. Is there a cup location of tea  ?
b.         I want a cup of tea , now !                                                  e. I want a cup location of  tea  ?
c.          Who wants drink a cup of tea  ?

20.  X               :  Where is the location of your school   ?
Y                :  My school is located in ….. the super markets and housing .
a.         Behind                                                                                        d. Near
b.         Front of                                                                                      e. housing
c.          Between

 This tex is for question 21 and 22  .
Do you like wearning fur clothes ? you should remember that behind the glamorous image of fur coats lies the reality of animal pain, suffering and death. Every year millions of Animals around the world are killed in traps, wire snares or on fifthy fur farms. All just to satisfy human greed and vanity. So,please do not buy for clothes.Rember the suffering that goes into every fur garment.
21.  What is the text a bout  ?
a.         A suggestion tha we scould not wear fur clothes
b.         A warning of animal distinotion .
c.          A warning of animal deaths .
d.         A suggestion that we should wear fur clothes .
e.         A Suggestion of animal deaths

22.  Which of the following statement is not true based on text ?
a.         There are animals suffering behind fur clothes .
b.         Millions of animals are kitled in traps for their fur
c.          Peope don’t like wearing fur clothes .
d.         We should not buy or wear fur clothes .
e.         Are should not buy or wear4 fur clothes .

This text is for question  : 23  to 25    
Chimpanzess are humans closest relatives compared to any other ape.They like to stay on the g but they climb among the trees. Their hands and feet can easily grip branch es and objects, because their hobby is swinging. Chimps like to seatch for termites, ants, and never refuse of sweet, fruit and nuts. Chimpanzess communicate with each other using a wide variety of sound.
23.  What does the text tell us about?
a.         Chimpanzees physical appearance.                                                d. Chimpanzes’s
b.         Chimpanzes’s habitats.                                                        e. The advantage of habits
c.          The diet of chimpanzees

24.  What is the favorite place for the chimpanzes to stay?
a.         Among the trees                                                                    d. On a certain object
b.         On the branches                                                                     e. In the ground
c.          On the ground

25.  The following are chimpanzess’ food, except …..
a.         Small mammals                                                                       d. Nuts
b.         Little insects                                                                              e. Bakso
c.          Sweet fruits

This text for number 26 – 30
Janet Dailey is America’s best selling women novelist. Her books have been published in seventeen languages and are sold in 90 different countries. She began writing in 1975 and to date her novels have been sold over a hundred million copies (at an estimated rate of 40.000 a day). She is the author of scores of popular, uniquely American novels, including the bestselling Silver Wings, Santiago Blue, the pride of Hannah wade, and the phenomenal four volume calder saga. Her careful research and her intimate knowledge of America have made janet dailey one of the world’s best-loved and most widely read novelist writing today.

26.  Wha is Janet Dailey?
a.         An artist                                                                                      d. A planist
b.         An novelist                                                                                                e. Jounalist
c.          An colomnist

27.  Where does she come from?
a.         Canada                                                                                        d. England
b.         USA                                                                                              e. Japan
c.          Australia

28.  How many titles of book are mentioned above?
a.         Two                                                                                              d. Five
b.         Three                                                                                           e. Six
c.          Four

29.  Which is the phenomenal book?
a.         Santiago blue                                                                           d. Calder saga
b.         Silver wings                                                                               e. Janet dailey
c.          The pride of Hannah wade

30.  “ ….. her novels have been sold over a hundred million copies (at an estimated rate of 40.000 a day).”
How many books have been sold in a week?
a.         40.000                                                                                          d. 2.800.000
b.         28.000                                                                                          e. 400.000
c.          280.000      

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