Tentang ujian praktek bahasa inggris untuk SMU kali ini  dibagi menjadi empat  bagian:

Bagian pertama mengetengahkan tentang praktek percakapan atau dialog. Dalam soal ujian praktek itu para siswa disuruh untuk mengisi titik-titik yang berisi  melengkapi kalimat yang kurang. misalnya dalam percakapan itu andre berkata.....

"Andre   : I heard that your boss had changed the secretary?"
"Vira         :That’s right". 
"Andre         : But why?"
"Vira             :………………………………………………………..(ability/inability)"

Bagian kedua Siswa disuruh menyusun kalimat-kalimat bahasa inggris yang sudah disediakan menjadi paragraf yang baik. 

Bagian ke tiga adalah mengisi titik-titik yang kosong pada sebuah paragraf

Bagian keempat siswa diberi tugas menggaris bawahi kata terbaik dalam kurung untuk membuat kalimat yang benar.


No Peserta/kode

I.    Complete the following dialogue with suitable expression using guidance expression in bracket!
1.   Andre         : I heard that your boss had changed the secretary?
Vira             : That’s right
Andre         : But why?
Vira             :………………………………………………………..(ability/inability)
2.   Daughter     : Dad, have you seen my report card?
Father         : Yeach, you did well, ………………………………………..(satisfaction/dissatisfaction) 
3.   Tina             : What is your plan after graduating from High School?
Tini             : I want to continue my study at State University in Bandung?
Tina             :…………………………………………………(hope)
4.   Wahyu        : What will you do after graduating from High School?       
Ika              : I’ll look for job
Wahyu        : Looking for job? You are smart student, aren’t you?
Ika              : I don’t have enough money to pay the tuition
Wahyu        : …………………………………………..(suggestion)
5.   Nurudin      : Hi Shof, Mr Daniel’s wife passed away 2 years ago
Shofa          : ……………………………………..(sympathy)
6.   Guntur        :  Our futsal team won the match yesterday
Nia              : Really, ……………………………………(pride)
7.   Roveno       : You know what? You get the highest mark in Mathematics
Ersa             : From whom do you know that? 
Roveno       : Mr. Sumariadi said just now
Ersa             :………………………………………………(belief/disbelief)
8.   Husein        : We will go picnic to Popoh beach this weekend. Can you join us?
Etika           :………………………………….I have to accompany my Mom at hospital (accepting/refusing)
9.   Ventin         : Some of our students in our class will hold party without permission from teacher
Alvin           : ………………………………… ( agreement/disagreement )
10.   Nunung    : We went to Bandung yesterday
Qolbi        : So what do you think about Bandung?
Nunung    : …………………………………….( giving opinion, informal )
11.     Udin        : What time will we meet tonight?
Agus        : At 7 PM. Please be on time and  don’t come late again
Udin        : ……………………………………( promise)

12.     Hasyim    : I’m sorry I have  deleted your document in your computer
Yesi         : ……………………………………(response of apology)
13.     Umar        : How is your exam?
Ridha       : I feel satisfied, I have been selected to receive scholarship from Indonesian University
Umar        : ……………………………………( congratulation)
14.     Fandria    : It’s very hot today
Novie       : You are right, How if I give you some orange juice
Fandria    : No thank, ……………………………………………(preference)
15.     Diana       : The light is off, I think there is fuse problem…………………………….(asking help/offering help)
Mirza       : I wish I knew electricity
16.     Eka          : I have flat tire. Is there nearby repairshop?
Muntaha  : Yes, it is not far from here……………………………………………….(asking help/offering help)
17.     Hendrik   : I left my laptop and I need to finish my assignment. Can I borrow your laptop?
Siti           : …………………………..I haven’t finished typing yet (accepting/refusing)
18.     Ali            : What’s wrong with you?
Shofa       : I cut my finger when I was slicing onion
Ali            : ………………………………………….(sympathy)
19.     Amin        : ………………………………………….my car (accusing/blaming)
Ida           : Please, forgive me. I’ll repair it.
20.     Priti          : Ning, Nanang has been promoted to be sale manager in Gudang Garam company
Nining      : Of course, …………………………………(ability/inability)
21.     Albarik     : Thank God, finally Final Examination has been over
Fitri          : Yes, all of our friends can pass it
Albarik     :………………………………………………(sympathy)
22.     Icha          : There is good movie tonight, ………………………………………(invitation)
Bangga    : I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t. I have to finish Mr. Adi’s assignment
23.     Iyyan       : Is Mss Devi there please?
Octika      : What number are you calling?
Iyyan       : 4822124
Octika      : Oh this is 4812124
Iyyan       : …………………………………………..(apology) 
24.     Iva           : I just cut my hair short
Lisna        : ………………………………………….(admiration)
25.     Midah      : I need a pair of shoes
Qolbi        : Okay, what size do you look for?
Midah      : 39
Qolbi        : Wait a moment…, here you are a pair of shoes which size 39
Midah      : ……………………………………………(asking permission)

II. Arrange the following sentences into good paragraph!
26. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?....
(1)    You know, I had been waiting for the bus for about half of an hour, but the bus hadn’t come yet
(2)    Luckily, my teacher understood and allowed me to go inside
(3)    I’d like tell you one of my terrible experiences. It happened on my first day at the eleventh grade
(4)    Finally, my father drove me to my school, and I arrived there just right after the bell had rang
(5)    At that time I had troubles with the buses. Well, the buses were on strike because of the increase of the fuel price, and I didn’t know it
(6)    Then, I decided to go back home and to ask for a ride to my father
(7)    Actually, that day I left home quite early, around a quarter past six. Normally, it would only take fifteen minutes to reach my school by bus
27. The right order of the below sentences to complete the paragraph is ….
Agriculture is the world’s most important industry. It supplies the food we eat. It also supplies materials for two other basic human need, clothing and shelter ….
1.   Rail road and truck lines that carry farm products to market among the other industries that depend directly on agriculture.
2.   They also buy fertilizer, chemical spray and animal food.
3.   Modern agriculture also provides business for many other industries.
4.   The manufacturers in torn buy raw materials from other countries.
5.   Farmers buy farm machinery and other equipment.

28. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?....
1.      The cheetah uses its speed to catch other animals to eat.
2.       However, it cannot run this fast for long.
3.       Then it races towards it at top speed, ready for the final attack.
4.       The cheetah can run faster than any other animals.
5.       It creeps towards its prey until it is only about 100 m away.
6.       It can move at about 100 km per hour

29. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?....
1. They are as whether forecasting, television broadcast, amateur radio communications, internet communications viewing property and the Global Positioning System (GPS)
2. There are hundreds of satellites currently in operation.
3. They are used for such diverse purposes.
4. A satellite is specialized wireless receiver or transmitter that is launched by a rocket and placed in an orbit around the Earth.
30. What is the correct arrangement of the following sentences?.....
1.      He crept into the darkest corner of the hen house to hide his shame.
2.      Just then an eagle flew by. She swooped down and seized the rooster in her talons and carried him off.
3.      After a long, hard struggle one rooster could fight no more.
4.      “Look at me!” he said. “ I am the king of the farmyard.”
5.      Two roosters once had a fight to decide who would be king of farmyard.
6.      The winner flew to the top of the farmer’s house, crowing and flapping his wings, to let the world know he was the new king.
III.  Fill in the blank with an appropriate word in the box below.
One day, father and I went swimming in a swimming pool. We arrived there at 6 in the morning. There were only a few people who were ready to swim. The water was ………..(30)………… and fresh.
            After doing a warming up, we were ready to swim. We were about to jump when suddenly we saw two hands up and down in the pool. We ….…(31)……. someone was drowning. There was no one paying attention to those signals. Immediately, my father jumped and swam toward the kid. I called the emergency officers. Father put his arm around the kid’s body and dragged him to the pool side. The kid was fainted. Son, father laid the kid on the floor and gave him the first aid. The kid regained his……….(32)…..… when the emergency  officers arrived. Then, they took the kid to clinic nearby.

A. dirty.                                 .d.  think                                       h.  strength.
b.  consciousness.                e. warm.                                      j. clear
c.   bright.                              g. shallow

IV. Underline the best word in the brackets to make the sentence correct.

A botanical garden is  33.( a room, a yard, an organization, an institution) to keep plant collection. It usually possesses a large number of species and is arrange to serve educational, aesthetic, scientific, and economic 34 (purpose, purposed, purposes). Botanical gardens also 35(service, serve, served, serving)as places of recreation.


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