Soal Bahasa Inggris kali ini berisi percakapan. Perintahnya adalah  untuk mengisi senggangn titik-titik yang kosong. Ditambah ada tiga bacaan yang harus dibaca, kemudian perintahnya adalah menanggapi tentang isi bacaan tersebut. Kemudian Soal-soalnya adalah tetap mengisi titik-titik yangkosong. Contoh soal dapat anda lihat di bawah ini.

Choose the best answer to fill the missing word!

1. X : I am driving this car so slowly,right?
Y : Watch out! That man……..on the wrong side of the road!
a. drive                                                                       d. drove
b. is driving                                                                e. drives
c. has driven

2. Receptionist : good morning, may I help you?
Regin : Yes , my name is Regin and I have an appointment with Dr. Juno at 10 o’clock
Receptionist : Sorry,………….
a. He is treating a patient at the moment                 d. He was still on the way
b. He was talking on the phone                                e. He was good
c. He is out of town

3. Bill : what is mr.Edward doingright now?
Sam : ………………………
a. He was delivering luggage                                   d. He was preparing lunch.
b. He was mending the computer.                           e. He was in the lab.
c. He is talking to his client.

4. X : Where is your mother now?
Y ; She………in the kitchen.
a. Cook                                                                      d. Is cooking
b. Cooked                                                                  e. Was cooking
c. Has cook

5. Richard……..a good novel in the library now.
a. is reading                                                              d. has read
b. reads                                                                     e. was reading
c. read

6. Listen! The teacher……..the lesson
a. Explains                                                                                       d. was explaining
b. Explained                                                                                    e. had explained
c. is explaining

7. I can’t finish to write the letter because there isn’t ……ink in the bottle
a. any                                                                                                d. a littlel
b. some                                                                                            e. any other
c. another

8. Jessie : I want to make some omelettes. Please give me……salt.
James : All right, here it is.
a. A number of                                                                              d. A few
b. A little                                                                                       e. So many
c. Many

9. Servant : …………..kilograms of oranghe do you want to buy?
Woman : I want to buy three kilos.
a. how many                                                                                  d. what price
b. how much                                                                                  e. how expensive
c. how price

10. Man : Excuse me?.........a hospital near here?
Woman : Diponegoro hospital, from here . go straighton pass the around about.Take the second exit, it’s on your left.
a. There is                                                                                        d. isn’t there
b. is there                                                                                        e. wasn’t there
c. Are there

Jumlah soal ada 30 soal, berbentk pilihan ganda. Anda dapat mengunduhnya dengan link download di bawah.

Semoga bermanfaat.


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